5 Self-Care Habits To Bring Into 2021

Rachel On Trend
Community Voice


I seriously can’t believe 2020 is almost over. In some ways this year felt like it dragged on forever and ever, but in other ways I don’t even know where this year went. I can remember some points in early spring, like April/ May timeframe, thinking that lockdown was lasting forever and being so incredibly bored. I literally felt like 2020 would never end. Now that it’s the end of December and 2021 is on our heels, I literally feel like this year flew by.

I know this year has been crazy stressful on everyone. I think the pandemic/ general craziness of this year has affected every single one of us in some way or another. I know this year I have learned that it is so important to take care of yourself. I’ve thought more about my health and the health of my loved ones this year than ever before. With all the people I know personally who have contracted covid, people I know who have lost loved ones from covid - taking care of yourself has never seemed as important as it does now.

Since I’ve found self care to be so important this year, I figured why not share some self-care habits that I definitely intend to bring into 2021 with me, and you should too. Like I said, we all need to take care of ourselves, and our loved ones, so here’s some easy ways to practice self-care in 2021.

Take breaks from social media.

Now as someone who is big on social media I find taking breaks to be so difficult sometimes. I am a blogger and posting on social media regularly is somewhat essential to my brand. I try to upload blog posts and tik toks as often as I can and I try to post on instagram every single day (which doesn’t include instagram stories, which I post on multiple times a day). And of course we can’t forget the engagement - liking other people’s posts, replying to comments, commenting on posts, etc. Honestly it can all seem like a lot at times, and it can get super stressful.

Even if you aren’t a blogger, and you are just a regular social media user, taking breaks from social media is always a good idea. Whether you live on instagram like I do or you just get on sporadically, it will literally never hurt you to take a day or two, to just be in the present, enjoy the moment you're in and relax. I typically will spend one weekend a month where I don’t really post on social media. I may post a picture or story, but I typically won’t be engaging or scrolling through my socials to see what others have posted.

Taking this break occasionally is so nice. I can just put my phone away and not have to worry about anything but enjoying time with my friends and family, or maybe even just enjoying time by myself watching netflix. I think social media can stress us out, without us even realizing it, so sometimes we just need a break.

Treat yourself.

The next self-care habit I will for sure be bringing into 2021 with me is treating myself. Treating yourself can mean so many things, and whatever treating yourself means to you - in 2021, TREAT YOURSELF! Whether it’s doing a face mask, getting a manicure, going to that restaurant you love, having that glass of wine - treat yourself! When I’m feeling down, or a little burned out from work/ just life in general I find treating myself to whatever I am craving at the moment is just the thing to get me through!


Another self-care habit that everyone should start doing asap. I have had anxiety pretty much my entire life, and one of the things that I find helps me SO much is meditation. Even if you don’t typically suffer from anxiety a nice meditation can still do great things for your mood and general well-being. Now, I am not talking sitting on the floor criss-cross applesauce for hours at a time just trying to empty your mind meditation - because I think that will make anyone go crazy.

I have always done guided meditations (recently through the app Headspace), that are so relaxing! For some reason when I have to sit in silence and try and relax I find it to be the most un-relaxing thing ever… but when I hear a soothing voice telling me exactly what I need to do to relax - it’s amazing. You can honestly never be too relaxed, and the Headspace App has some seriously great guided meditations, some are only a couple of minutes long - perfect to just give you a little reset and relaxation.

Take care of your body.

Now, taking care of my body has definitely been something I’ve neglected a lot this year. I’ve got to admit with covid quarantine and just the general stress of life in 2020, I’ve eaten so much junk food and carry out, and drank way more alcohol than I ever have in my life. I know I have not been healthy in the slightest this year - but I feel like most people probably haven’t. HOWEVER - I am absolutely going to make sure that all changes in 2021.

I have been so thankful for my health this year - and I in this next year I am going to show my thanks by actually trying to take better care of myself. I’ve basically neglected eating healthy and exercising for the majority of this year, so next year I am going to try to treat my body better. This means eating healthy and exercising - doing what I can to take care of myself. Now if you’ve been reading this article, you’ll have read self-care tip #2 - treat yourself! So while in general I am definitely going to try to be better at being healthy, but I am also not going to deny myself treats when I am really craving them. Basically I am going to try my best to be healthy - but if I want to eat a cookie or drink a glass of wine; or go for a short walk instead of a long run, I will. As long as I am trying my best to be healthy that’s a start!

Get enough sleep.

My final self-care habit to bring into 2021 with you is - SLEEP! I’m sure everyone reading this knows just how important a good night's sleep is, however, I know how difficult it can be to actually get in a good night’s sleep. I know I always struggle to fall asleep early at night and end up staying up until 1AM - not ideal. So in 2021 I am going to attempt to go to bed earlier every night, and get more sleep this year because a good night’s sleep will always make you feel great!

I hope that you guys enjoyed these self-care habits to bring into 2021 with you! I know I will certainly be trying to take better care of myself in the coming year and I hope you guys will too! Let me know in the comments how you want to take care of yourself in 2021!

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Rachel On Trend
Hi there! I'm Rachel and I'm the author of the blog Rachel On Trend. I am New York City dweller sharing my tips and tricks for living...