10 Incredible Benefits of Jumping on Trampoline

Dr Mehmet Yildiz
Digital Intelligence

The most critical ones for me were detoxification, bone density, and prevention of skeletal decay.


Photo by Jasper Garratt on Unsplash

Trampoline is my primary fitness tool for decades. It has been one of the best life hacks as I pointed out in my recent book Simple & Powerful Life-Transforming Bio-Hacks.

Jumping on a trampoline not only has tremendous health benefits, but it is also an enjoyable activity. It can be performed individually and as a group activity.

My first familiarity with trampolines was in a new trampoline premise in our suburb. It was a centre designed for kids, especially for teenagers. Based on encouragement from my neighbours, I took the plunge and joined the activities of the kids and of course some crazy adults like me. It helped me to relive my childhood in many ways.

After a while, I could not go to the trampoline centre due to a hectic professional lifestyle.

I solved the problem by purchasing a home size trampoline. This trampoline was expensive, but I was happy with my investment.

Trampoline as a fitness tool made a significant impact on my health, fitness, and overall well-being. It turned out to be a loyal friend in the winter when I couldn't go out. Just simply hopping on it during my breaks kept me motivating.

Over the years, I learnt creative ways to use an indoor trampoline. I often watch some PC programs or listen to my favourite Audible books when having gentle and straightforward movements.

In this story, I want to introduce ten incredible benefits to you based on my personal experience. It is not just a short term, but a long term experience. Therefore, I aim to spread the words hoping others may consider this activity, include it to a fitness regime, and reap many benefits as I did.

1- Detoxification and Immune Boost

Jumping on a trampoline has been one of the best detoxification regimes for me.

Habitual exercises on trampoline increased lymphatic flow in my body. It contributed to the detoxification process.

My physical and health specialist confirmed that cleansing the lymphatic system can improve our immune system. He encouraged me to keep going.

2 - Sleep Quality

After completing my trampoline sessions, I felt great during the night. My sleep turned out to be flawless.

Sleep is very important to me. I gained substantial experience in improving my sleep and shared some of my findings in an article on News Break.

With the motivation gained from improved sleep, I went to the trampoline centre more often. I loved the activity of jumping with the kids and relive my childhood.

With this joyful habit, my sleep quality increased substantially over the years. I learned to sleep like a baby after each trampoline session.

3 - Mental alertness

I used to experience brain fog now and then.

One day I spent a few hours jumping with his friends in a gentle tone. I was able to have a conversation with them. It was terrific fun. I was reliving my childhood.

Time passed so quickly that a few hours later, the brain fog disappeared. My heart rate was showing that it was at an elevated state. Even though I had high heart-rate, I was in a euphoric state.

4 - Improved Fitness

Adding trampoline to my exercise regime helped me become fitter.

My heart rate used to go very high at the earlier stages. Nowadays, my heart rate does not go as high as in my previous days.

My heart rate variability has significantly improved.

As a by-product of fitness, my unwanted fat melted significantly and lost excess skin naturally. My lean muscles remained healthy without excessive growth.

5 - Increased Energy

I learned about the benefits of increased oxygen circulation after each trampoline session.

This increased oxygen circulation in my body consequently increased my energy. I don't have an apparatus to test my energy levels, but my overall breathing profile improved based on how I breathe during the trampoline sessions and even get better afterwards.

My physician and fitness consultant were physician optimistic about noticing in my energy levels.

My physician and fitness coach advised me to continue jumping on a trampoline 30 to 60 minutes a day. After regularly taking these sessions, I gave up jogging and running because they were creating excessive pressure on my joints.

I didn't want to damage my joints and tendons.

6 - Improved Balance

Jumping on the trampoline in different movement patterns helped me improve my balance.

I learned that jumping on a trampoline can stimulate the vestibular and the semicircular canals in the middle ear and improve my balance.

The most noticeable physical manifestation was an improvement in my posture.

7 - Reduced Stress

Using trampoline helps me reduce my stress.

The key mechanism was to be able to complete my daily ten-thousand-steps goal. I habitually monitor my daily steps through my smartwatch.

There were times my cortisol levels were hitting the roof. It was before I started using the trampoline for my fitness.

Completing my ten thousand steps on trampoline helped me reduced my cortisol. I am so happy to have an optimal cortisol level nowadays.

8 - Bone Density

As verified by my family physician, I also learned from the literature that jumping on a trampoline could increase bone density.

I embraced this benefit for my aging body as bone density is a critical health factor.

The usual Dexa scans (Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) I take twice a year confirms that my bone density is at an optimal state.

9 - Prevention of Skeletal Decay

One of my focus areas is to ensure my skeleton remain intact and robust.

My fitness consultant also confirmed that trampoline activity could be preventative for skeletal decay.

10 - Other Benefits Yet To Be Validated

As part of the online fitness communities, I met and engaged with many trampoline enthusiasts.

Some of these online friends were making claims that jumping on a trampoline can prevent cancer. Their rationale was the improved circulation of the lymphatic fluid, removing cancerous cells in our body.

These claims, of course, require further research and validation by experts. However, it is refreshing to learn about these useful speculations. As an optimist, I believe that these claims may be validated in the future and become a truth. I'd keep an open mind about these potential benefits of trampolines.


Jumping on the trampoline for decades provided me with many noticeable health and fitness benefits.

It is a piece of good news that I did not experience the side effects of hopping on a trampoline for 30 to 60 minutes in moderation.

However, like anything in life, jumping on a trampoline may pose some risks. I learned to be careful.

My primary caution is to prevent the only risk of falling from the trampoline. The risk is imminent if jumping is not done correctly.

I paid attention to my movements and learned to become mindful at all times.

I ensure that there are no sharp objects around the trampoline just in case. When I perform the trampoline activities at home, I make sure that the device is on a smooth carpet in my fitness room.

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Dr Mehmet Yildiz
I write about important and valuable life lessons. My goal is to delight my readers. My content aims to inform and engage my readers....