Stuck on Stats? How to Lose the Stress And Gain Perspective

Jennifer Brown Banks
Community Voice

"Don't sweat the small stuff."

Few would argue that in our society and culture, numbers serve as a qualifier for success metrics, standards of beauty, levels of excellence, and even taboos that govern how we live.

For example, a woman who is rated a "10" by members of the opposite sex is perceived to be a real "man magnet." Think Bo Derek (the bombshell actress of the 1970‘s).

Consider that there are "7 deadly sins" we should all strive not to commit, and the age of “21” is considered the entry to adulthood.

Numbers are factored into just about every aspect of our existence, like it or not.

So, it stands to reason that we would obsess about figures and numbers.

It’s a “no-brainer.”

Blogging and content creation tends to be no different.

Let’s face it: page views and the number of comments we receive for our work are the equivalent of tips for a struggling waitress. Or like monthly performance reviews for worker bees in corporate America.

As such, sometimes we allow metrics to define and even detriment us.


We agonize that our numbers may not be impressive enough to those that employ us. Or for potential brand sponsorship to help monetize our sites.

Or even worse: that our numbers are stagnant. Which means we’re not making progress for all our hard work and creativity (at least that’s what we reason in our own minds).

We even fret over our followers or lack thereof.


As a result of this preoccupation with numbers, we monitor our stats daily. Sometimes multiple times a day.

Sound familiar?

Here's a reality check:


I admit, that I sometimes check my NEWSBREAK Analytics more often than a new mother checks in on a sleeping baby. Crazy, right?

Well, I've gotten better. And you can too.


1. Numbers don't measure everything.

They don’t “measure” effort or passion. What I mean here essentially, is that even when your stats are down, you should keep your head up. Word!

If you've remained consistent with your writing week after week, month after month, year after year, you should be proud. Blogging and (content creation) is hard, and many folks are falling by the waist side. If you're still at it, there's reason to celebrate! Keep keeping on!

2. Sometimes, it's not how many people that are reading you that's important, it's "who's" reading you that can make the difference.

Here's a case in point. My numbers don't always meet my hopes or expectations when I check my analytics, but even with a modest following, I've garnered some recognition that I'm pretty proud of. For example, my blog for writers has been honored as a "Top 100 Blog for Writers," for the last seven years consecutively. It has also contributed to many paying clients, brand partnerships, as well as industry recognition from my peers. The moral of the story here? Keep being excellent despite obstacles and disappointments. Your work may matter to more people than your stats capture.

3. Numbers can be fickle.

They fluctuate. Much like the weather. One day they’re up, the next day they are down. Despite our best efforts, readership can decrease during holidays, during the summer months, amid a pandemic, or any number of variables we can't control. Make peace with this.

4. The more we stress over stats, the less time we have to produce quality work that changes lives or that sheds a light on important social causes.

I was listening to an interview recently with Lee Daniels (who created the popular movie, Butler). When he was asked by the reviewer if he's sometimes frustrated with the lack of recognition his films receive from the awards industry, he stated that “when you create with the wrong reasons, you lose your passion for the work.”

Daniels also commented that he “shares the stories he wants to tell, in his own way...without seeking approval.”

Not a bad idea for bloggers and content creators either.

Jessica Lynn, a fellow content creator at Newsbreak shares sage advice on this subject as well, in a recent article. She states:

“As writers, we don't want to lose our humanity in the metrics. In other words, we don't want to focus so much on our stats, our numbers, that we lose our understanding, creativity, and mission as to why we got into writing in the first place — to help others.

If we lift one person or ten or five million with a positive message, a tool that makes their lives better, or a strategy that makes for an easier day, we contribute positively.”

5. Remember that growth takes time.

Whether it is growing your followers, your bank account, or even growing in maturity.

Now that… you can count on!

So, keep in mind that it's okay to look at your numbers to assess and address...just don't stress!


Here’s a point of reference. I met one of my dearest friends online through my blogging work. She initially was someone who was just a fan of my writing and became a follower of my blog. As the years have evolved, and through constant contact online and off, she has become one of my most cherished friends.

And that's more important than any metric could measure. Truly.

In conclusion…

If you can answer yes to the above questions, you are a “success” regardless of your metrics.

Keep plugging a way.

You got this!

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Jennifer Brown Banks
Veteran freelance writer, award-winning blogger, thought leader, herbal tea enthusiast. My mission is to entertain, engage and inform...