Are you a COVID-sensitive shopper? Here are five questions to ask yourself.

American Household News
In search of what makes life interesting.

The chaotic holiday shopping season won't exactly be the same this year. And the well-established trend of more transactions moving online is only exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic - which has encouraged or forced Americans to buy even everyday necessities from Amazon and other digital-first retailers.

But some level of in-person shopping is not only inevitable - it's good for the economy and good for mental and emotional health at a time when our traditional notion of "normalcy" continues to fade.

Thanksgiving groceries. Christmas shopping. Weekly supply runs or stockpile trips to B.J.'s wholesale club. Chances are you are probably doing one or more of the above.

And as infection rates surge nationwide and state governments from coast to coast gear up for potential winter lockdowns, being a COVID-sensitive shopper is an important consideration when you are in any retail setting - from the corner convenience store to a big-box chain.

Ask yourself these questions to keep your behaviors in check as you head out to pump cash into the economy:

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American Household News
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