6 Ways to Reduce Your Food Waste

Community Voice


For many of us, the kitchen is the heart of our home. It may be a cramped little space just big enough for a stove and a sink where you make your morning brew. Or you may be lucky enough to have a cavernous open-plan space with all the latest mod-cons to let loose your inner Gordon Ramsay. Whatever set-up we may have, the kitchen is a place where we cook, eat, talk, work, and ruminate.

Perhaps due to the amount of time we spend in them, our kitchens also produce the most waste out of all the areas of our home. RTS estimates that when it comes to food waste alone, Americans throw out nearly 40 million tons of food each year, with a value of $161 billion. Add to this the fact that nearly 45% of all plastic ending up in landfills comes from food packaging and containers, and you can see that the average American household produces a staggering amount of waste just from cooking and eating.

Thankfully, the scale of the problem is not insurmountable. In comparison to a decade ago, there are lots of easy and cheap solutions that you can implement right now to help reduce the amount of food and plastic waste your kitchen generates.

1. Make a meal plan

A major cause of food waste is that we often buy more than we need. Pushing our trolley through the aisles of the supermarket, we are assaulted by a veritable cacophony of product choices, each trying to entice themselves into your fridge and pantry. Even if we have a shopping list, we often grab items that we were not planning on buying because the packaging looks enticing, or there is a promo on. Combine this targeted advertising with the fact that many Americans try to save money by buying in bulk, and you can see how easy it is load up our trolleys with stuff that we don’t actually need.

An easy fix is to plan out your meals for the week in advance. Sit down together as a family and discuss what you would like to eat, including any snacks. This planning also gives you the chance to see where you can make some savings – for instance, if you see that you have chosen two meals that call for mushrooms, then you can buy a club size pack of mushrooms; otherwise, you are probably okay with a smaller pack. In addition, if you know that one day you will be eating out or having a take-away, then you do not need to plan a meal for that day. In this way, meal planning not only reduces avoidable food waste, but oftentimes helps save you money on your grocery shop as well.

2. Use your leftovers

Another common culprit when it comes to avoidable food waste is leftovers. It is easy to overestimate how much we will eat, so we are frequently left with some1 to spare. But, instead of simply throwing this perfectly good food into the bin, you have several alternatives:

3. Shop smart

While some food packaging is sadly unavoidable due to safety reasons, you can still take steps to reduce how much single-use plastic you take home with your grocery shopping, as well as reduce the amount of food that you don’t end up using:

4. Know your expiry dates

Another important reason why more food ends up in the bin than needs be is because 90% of Americans misinterpret food expiry dates. Here is a lowdown of what each of them means:

There is a push by regulators and various industry groups to standardize expiry labelling to make consumers’ lives easier when it comes to assessing what food to keep and what food to toss. However, there are a couple of important things to note about expiry dates:

5. Use your fridge wisely

In comparison to the rest of the world, Americans have large fridges. As a result, it is easy to lose sight of your food if it is crammed to bursting, leading to food becoming spoiled. In addition, many of us store things in our fridge that can actually have a longer shelf-life in the pantry. Therefore, if you want to avoid food waste, make sure you use your fridge wisely.

The first step in organizing your fridge is to take everything out and toss anything that looks questionable. Then, wipe down all the shelves, drawers, and compartments with a kitchen disinfectant to clear away any food residue and bacterial build-up. You should aim to clean out your fridge once a month or every couple of months.

Once your fridge is clean and fresh, restock it, using the following system:

In addition, the following items do not need to be stored in the fridge, which frees up space for those items that do:

For a full list of food and how to store them, check the FDA’s FoodKeeper app.

6. Compost

Composting is seriously underutilized in the US as a method to reduce food waste, even though the EPA estimates that it could divert 30% of organic waste away from landfills. This may be partly due to the fact that many of us under the impression that you need an outdoor space to be able to compost, because it is a smelly and kind of icky process (food thrown in the bin smells, after all), so you want to hide it in a discreet corner of your garden.

This aversion to composting due to the perceived yuck factor stems from a misunderstanding about how composting works. Correctly set-up composters are aerobic environments, meaning that there is an abundance of oxygen that allows organic material to break down fully, without the release of smelly gases. Bins and landfills, on the other hand, are anaerobic environments (i.e. there is a lack of free-floating oxygen), which forces decomposing organic material to ‘steal’ oxygen from other compounds, thereby producing smelly by-products like methane.

Now that we have cleared up composting’s undeserved yuckiness, apartment and house dwellers alike will be happy to know that composting is not just for outside spaces. Clever eco-warriors have invented various composting solutions ranging from tried-and-tested backyard composting to the high-tech electronic composter. And don’t be put off if you don’t have a garden or even a measly houseplant to use your compost on – you can sell or donate your compost to green-fingered friends, relatives or neighbors.

But, if composting still grosses you out, then there are other options. More and more municipalities are starting to offer curb-side food waste collection, as waste processing facilities look to reduce the amount of rubbish that ends up in landfill, so if you happen to live in such an area, then all you need to do is invest in some compostable bin liners and you’re good to go. Alternatively, if you are lucky to live near a farmer’s market, many farmers will take unwanted fruits and vegetables for composting or for feeding to their animals.

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