American Household News: Top Ten 'Turkey Day' Tips and Tricks

American Household News
In search of what makes life interesting.

Thanksgiving can be hard enough in normal times. Add a surging pandemic, nationwide travel restrictions, and a new set of public health warnings about family gatherings and American households are facing the most challenging 'Turkey Day' in more than a century.

Thanksgiving 2020 will require careful planning, adjustments and adaptations, curtailing some expectations and a willingness to do things differently and - very likely - on a smaller scale. But the greatest American holiday for bringing family together can still be fun, filled with activity and social interaction - and of course loaded with great food. One thing appears certain: it is going to be memorable, one way or another, for just about everyone.

Here are Ten Tips and Tricks for making Turkey Day Terrific:

1. Settle on your group of guests early: At this stage, that basically means right now. Many households are sticking to immediate family. Others are keeping it small but still having one, two or a small group of relatives - provided all have followed COVID-19 safety precautions. Make sure to consult your state health guidelines and the most recent updates right until Thanksgiving eve. Different states have different restrictions, and some have dramatically reduced the size allowed for ANY gatherings - including family.

2. Double and triple check travel arrangements: Airline schedules, service and travel protocols have changed dramatically as a result of COVID-19. States are implementing updated travel restrictions and airlines have a slew of COVID-19 regulations. What was already a stressful process - checking in, passing through security, and boarding a flight - is considerably more complex as a result of social distancing requirements, mask rules and a higher risk of tension between passengers, flight attendants and other passengers. Do yourself a favor and make sure you are aware of what the process will be like well in advance. Surprises add to travel stress.

3. Play it safe and play it smart: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises Americans that "the safest way to celebrate Thanksgiving this year is with the people in your household." If you are attending a gathering at a friend's or family member's home, the CDC says these guidelines will keep you and others safe:

4. Take the stress out of cooking - by following advice from the National Turkey Federation. The turkey industry is advising Americans to follow CDC guidelines for health and safety, while also providing the most comprehensive information on preparing turkey and the traditional fixings and side dishes.

5. Consider a "Zoomsgiving" - to spend time with family while also staying safe at home. Choose a time either before or after the Thanksgiving meal to log on and socialize. Play Zoom bingo or a game of cards. Lots of kids around? Do a Zoom talent show or have a sing-a-long. The technology exists and it's easy to use. Take advantage of it!

6. Downsize your turkey but keep the big flavor: If your crowd is small this year, the National Turkey Federation says consider using turkey cuts such as a bone-in breast or drumsticks and wings. They are loaded with flavor. Just remember that using a simple compound butter when roasting will keep the turkey moist and get that delicious crispy skin. Or you can take the cooking outside with NTF's Honey Glazed Smoked Turkey Breast recipe.

7. Don't go it alone - if you are roasting a whole bird for the first time. It may seem daunting, but getting a 12, 15 or even 20-pound bird dressed, ready and roasted for several hours is something anyone can do. The NTF's "Thanksgiving 101" series has every imaginable cooking and food safety tip for turkey virgins. If you plan to roast a whole bird - it is almost a necessity for doing it correctly.

8. Use these Thanksgiving hacks from the Food Network: From using tin foil as a makeshift roasting rack to using chicken broth to "re-awaken" turkey leftovers - it's all in there from the television authority on cooking.

9. Watch one of the greatest Thanksgiving-themed movies of all time feasting on creative turkey-leftover sandwiches.

10. Hit the couch with no guilt and no hassle: There's nothing like a Thanksgiving food coma to send the hosts to the couch for an early-evening nap. This year - you should feel free to go down for the count on the living-room sofa knowing that huge pile of dishes is probably a lot smaller than usual. And those cousins who always insist on going for an after-dinner walk? They're miles away! Lie down, watch the late football game and relax.

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American Household News
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