
News Break – The Nation’s #1 Local News App – announces its new Creator Program

NewsBreak Company

By Vincent Wu, COO, News Break – October 16, 2020

In the past two decades, we’ve lived through a tremendous shift in how people consume news. A generation ago, people read local newspapers and watched local TV reporting. They knew considerably more about what was happening in their own neighborhoods than anything happening in Washington D.C. or Hollywood. And we all felt a stronger sense of connection and community as a direct result.

But things have changed.

Today, a lot of us turn to social media and 24-hour cable news to learn what’s happening. And many media channels have turned up the volume on national politics and celebrity to the exclusion of just about anything else, particularly local news that actually makes a difference, news that is actionable, news that unites people around things that are happening in their own real-world communities.

Which is why local news in the modern era has struggled to survive. People love it when they can find it, but it is increasingly out of sight and (therefore, sadly) out of mind.

News Break isn’t willing to let local news vanish. It’s far too vital. We are finding success bringing local back because we – and more importantly our readers – know that it helps us all live safer, more vibrant, more truly connected lives.

Historically, News Break has delivered local news & information at scale throughout the U.S. by intelligently connecting traditional local content from trusted publishers with our millions of readers across the country. And we will continue growing and expanding in this area, helping traditional local publishers renew and expand.

In parallel to that effort, I am extremely pleased to announce that, starting this week, News Break will begin enhancing its coverage through our new Creator Program, which has been designed to inspire a new generation of talented, independent creators to share their own local-friendly content with our readers across the country.

With over 45 million monthly active users across iOS, Android, and web, creators can expect their content to reach an incredibly diverse reader base on News Break that extends far beyond what some other platforms can deliver.

Whether you’re passionate about cooking, or travel, or sports, or books, or video games, News Break can help you find your audience. And the millions we’re planning to invest in this effort is our commitment to helping you thrive along the way.

At News Break, we believe the time has come for locals to do more than simply read about what others are doing. We think it’s time for locals to share their own stories that have the power to unite us through our common interests. Join us, won’t you?

To learn more about our Creator Program, or to be vetted to see if you will become one of our first creators, please go to

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